Soo koobid Shaqo:
Iskuduwaha Tabaruca & Horumarinta ayaa mas'uul ka ah kormeerida dhammaan xogta laga soo galo deeqaha iyo habaynta waraaqaha aqoonsiga. Waxay sidoo kale isku dubbaridaan iskaa wax u qabso si ay u taageeraan gelitaanka deeqaha iyo sidoo kale shabakadda xubnaha metro Meals on Wheels.
Wararka ku socda: Agaasimaha Horumarinta & Isgaarsiinta
Tani waa waqti buuxa, boos aan laga dhaafin.
Metro Meals on Wheels waxay bixisaa xirmo faa'iidooyin tartan leh oo leh fasax deeqsinimo leh iyo dabacsanaan si loo abuuro jadwal shaqo oo isku-dhafan oo fog iyo xafiiska. Booskani wuxuu u baahan yahay ugu yaraan saddex maalmood usbuucii xafiiska oo leh wax badan inta lagu jiro xilliga bixinta dhammaadka sanadka.
Waajibaadka Muhiimka ah:
Xirfadaha & Aqoonta:
Habka Codsiga: U dir warqadda daboolka oo dib ugu bilow Jeni Gregory at Ku dar "Iskuduwaha Tabaruca & Horumarinta" ee mawduuca emailkaaga. Codsiyada waxaa loo eegi doonaa si isdaba joog ah. Xilliga kama dambaysta ah ee soo gudbinta waa Sebtembar 1.
Metro Meals on Wheels waxaa ka go'an inay shaqaaleysiiso oo ay kobciso shaqaale kala duwan oo loo dhan yahay oo ka faa'iidaysta xirfadaha iyo kartida dhammaan shaqaalaha ururkayaga, iyadoon loo eegayn jinsiyad, lab iyo dhedig, asal qaran, da', diin, jihayn galmo, kartida jireed ama heerka dhaqan-dhaqaale. Waxaan ku dhiirigelinaynaa musharixiinta kala duwan inay soo codsadaan jagadan.
...Compensation : The Animal Control Office and Shelter Support Staff is a full time, non-exempt position and requires a minimum of 3... ...laws. # Transport shelter animals to veterinarians or for other care as requested. # Pick up and transport injured strays to...
We are looking for a reliable and detail-oriented Accounts Payable Specialist to join our finance team in Addison, IL. The ideal candidate will be responsible for managing the full accounts payable cycle, ensuring accurate and timely processing of invoices, maintaining...
...Lecturer - Education of Young Children College: Watson College of Ed - 314 College Dept/School: Elem, Middle & Lit - 31420 Vacancy Number: 16F-666 Position Number: 6162 Location of Workplace: Main UNCW Campus Brief Summary of Work for this Position... by providing innovative healthcare and life science product and service solutions around the globe. SPM Client Service Account Manager As a SPM Client Services Account Manager at STERIS, you are tasked with providing excellent Customer support while ensuring...
...allergies, day to day care of routine, urgent and emergency medical conditions. International SOS is looking for an experienced Dentist to diagnose and treat oral health issues, perform dental procedures, and educate patients on maintaining proper oral hygiene. They...